Private Treatments
Our private acupuncture sessions are the perfect choice for individuals with complex conditions or for those who prefer one-on-one care. Private treatments can include modalities like cupping therapy, electro-acupuncture, gua sha and tui na to can enhance your treatment experience and provide targeted relief.
Electro Acupuncture
This is an incredibly effective pain reducing technique which utilizes a gentle electrical current to stimulate muscle contraction.
With this technique, we can help calm overactive muscles and provide relief from tension and discomfort. It can also be used to activate weakened or atrophied muscles, facilitating movement that may have been previously unattainable.
Cupping therapy
Cupping therapy has a profound impact on muscle tension and provides fast relief.
It can enhance blood circulation, bring fresh blood and oxygen to locked up muscles, and promote proper function. It helps reduce inflammation and stimulates the body's natural healing response, making it particularly effective in relieving muscle-related discomfort.
Gua sha
Gua sha (pronounced “gwah shah”) is a ancient and powerful technique that employs repetitive strokes over the skin with a specialized tool, typically made of jade, metal, or rounded plastic.
It can be used for pain relief, stimulating an immune response, and is highly effective in reducing inflammation.
Tui Na
Tui na (pronounced "twee nah") is a centuries old therapeutic massage system that is used to treat specific physical problems rather than for relaxation or a spa-like experience.
It utilizes various techniques for manipulating soft tissue, improving circulation, reducing pain, and aiding in the healing process.