Private Treatments

Our private acupuncture sessions are the perfect choice for individuals with complex conditions or those who prefer one-on-one care.

In addition to acupuncture techniques, our private treatments also include modalities like cupping therapy, electro-acupuncture, and guasha. These additional therapies can enhance your treatment experience and provide targeted relief for specific ailments or concerns.

additional Modalities

  • Electro or Neurofunctional Acupuncture

    This is an incredibly effective technique which utilizes the stimulation of acupuncture needles with a gentle electrical current. This method taps into the body's natural electrical system, mimicking the way our nerves and muscles communicate.

    This technique promotes increased blood flow and nutrient distribution to targeted areas, accelerating the healing process and reducing pain levels.

    By applying electricity to specific acupuncture points, remarkable benefits can be achieved. It can help calm overactive muscles and provide much-needed relief from tension and discomfort. It can also be used to activate weakened or atrophied muscles, facilitating movement that may have been previously unattainable.

    If Electro-Acupuncture is deemed suitable for you, our experienced acupuncturist will explain the procedure in detail, ensuring your comfort and understanding every step of the way.

  • Cupping therapy

    Cupping is a therapeutic technique that provides effective relief for muscular discomfort. By placing glass or silicone cups on the skin and creating a suction, cupping applies reverse pressure that targets areas of muscle tension or pain. This process has a profound impact on muscular relief and overall body tension.

    Cupping also enhances blood circulation to the affected areas. This improved blood flow brings a fresh supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, promoting their relaxation and healing. It helps reduce inflammation and stimulates the body's natural healing response, making it particularly effective in relieving muscle-related discomfort.

    Another way cupping provides muscular relief is by stimulating lymphatic flow. As the cups create suction on the skin, they encourage the movement of lymphatic fluid. This helps to remove swelling and toxins that may be compromising muscle function. By enhancing lymphatic circulation, cupping supports the body's natural ability to repair and rejuvenate muscles.

  • Gua sha

    Gua sha is a powerful technique that employs repetitive strokes over the skin using a massage tool made of jade, metal, or rounded plastic. This ancient modality can deliver remarkable results when it comes to providing relief from chronic pain, reducing inflammation, and enhancing circulation in areas that may lack adequate blood supply. Gua sha is also utilized to effectively break down scar tissue resulting from previous injuries or surgeries.

    This technique promotes relaxation, releases trapped or stagnant tissue, and helps alleviate pain and discomfort in the affected areas.

    In addition to pain relief, gua sha is highly effective in reducing inflammation within the body. The gentle scraping motion performed during the procedure triggers the release of certain substances that inhibit inflammation. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with conditions such as arthritis or chronic inflammation that contribute to discomfort and limited mobility.

Private acupuncture treatment costs:

  1. Initial Consult and Acupuncture Treatment : $135 (75min)

  2. Return Acupuncture Treatments : $115 (60min)

  3. Return Acupuncture Treatments with Fire Cupping : $130 (75min)